Charity Football Raffle

Each raffle book offers 18 chances to win $50 and 3 chances to win $100

Weekly Winners

About the Raffle
The Knights of Columbus Council 6650 has run the Monday Night Charity Football Raffle book program for the past several years. Because of the logistics involved, once a book has been purchased there can be NO REFUNDS for any games canceled by the NFL. The NFL may decide to cancel one or more games or the entire season. Participants must consider a book purchase as a DONATION* at the time of purchase.

The first Monday Night Game is already scheduled for Sept 9th.  We plan to sell the Football Raffle Books through September 8h.

All net proceeds will go:

... and various other Knights of Columbus sponsored charities.

*Donations are not tax deductible

How To Play

Each book is numbered.  If the book you have is #73.  The points values change for each game, but you are always position 73 in the grid – see Example.


Find your number in the grid.  For example: Game #1, Falcons vs the Eagles, your book number is at the junction of the column for the number 8 for the Eagles and the row for the number 1 for the Falcons.  This book will win $50 if the last digit of the final score ends in any combination of scores of an 8 for the Eagles and a 1 for the Falcons.  If the Eagles win 28-21 or 38-11 or the Falcons win 31-18 or 41-28 then book #73 is the winner.  


Any combination of a score where the Eagles have a last digit of an 8 and the Falcons have a last digit of a 1 then book #73 will win for this game only.


If the score is Eagles 21 and Falcons 18 book #73 DOES NOT WIN.  In this case book #39 wins.  That is because 39 is at the junction of the column for 1 for the Eagles and 8 for the Falcons.